Thanks for visiting this blog please tell a friend . There is no doubt that over 62% of Nigerian are internet friendly, but the {1} Question(s) is how many of them are making money from their home.
{2} Is it legitimate?
{3} What do I need to start?
{4} How can I start a legitimate business from the comfort of my home?
This blog would help you to fulfill your dreams with the opportunity that internet has created.
1. Well there is no argument that out of the 62% of internet Users, only 7% make money in HARD CURRENCIES ($ and £). But it is a pity that only 2.5% are legitimate business.
2. Yes! Yes!! YES!!! This medium will promot any illegal fraud or 419 stuff we will teach you how to make money in a legitimate ways examples:-
¤ Adsense.
¤ Affilation.
¤ Online survey.
¤ Referral method.
¤ Web hosting.
¤ Data entry
¤ Writting articles.
¤ Outsourcing.
¤ Consultant.
¤ Internet marketing and many others.
3. O Yeah this is a great question in deed, alot of people tried to make it but they are unable to so. You need the following steps to guide you to success in being one of the best internet business in Africa.
This very first thing you need to have is
- Patience ( The main reason while alot of people failed is because they are impatience, they would what to start today and making money the following day). This is something you can do within two weeks to one month and make up to $100, this is at the beginning and it would be increasing every month, I have been making more than $280 per month for the past few month. Never give up
- Computer with good internet connection
- Conducive cybercafe if you do not have your onw personal computer at home.
- Internet literate.
Some of these may be needed to sharpen your internet goals.
- Web Designs.
- Graphics Designs.
- Good Writting skills ( ability to write articles such as fashion, politics, poem etc) Note this could earn you alot of money faster than you can imagine.
Yes the fourth question would be the reason you have check this site answers would be given soon. Please help to publise this site now we need your support THANKS ALOT.